Younger Workers Urged To Plan Now For Retirement

moneybagNorthwest Iowa — Northwest Iowans who may be green in their careers are being nudged to start planning now for their golden years.

Iowa Insurance Commissioner Nick Gerhart is encouraging people, especially younger Iowans, to begin plotting ways to fulfill their financial needs for the decades ahead.

He says diversifying investments in several areas is a safer financial bet, as opposed to simply hoping Social Security will provide for us.

Gerhart says you should talk to family members and friends about their financial advisors and insurance agents and consider hiring one of your own who can offer advice on the opportunities and risks.

One key is to prepare for the long haul, not quarter-by-quarter. A little planning, he says, can go a long way.

This is National Retirement Planning Week. Gerhart recommends a website for all sorts of resources, tools and tips:

