Your County FSA Now Offers Text Alerts

smart phone FSA textingRural Iowa — Farmers and ranchers in Iowa now can receive notifications from their county FSA office through text messages on their cell phone.

Iowa USDA Farm Service Agency director John Whitaker tells us that whether producers are in the field, on a tractor or even on horseback, this service enables FSA customers and stakeholders to receive notifications while on the go.

Producers nationwide can receive text messages regarding important program deadlines, reporting requirements, outreach events and updates. But Whitaker says it’s on a county-by-county basis, and all messages will come from your county office.

He tells us how it works.

He tells us what message to send FSANOW (372669) in the Lyon County example.

Standard text messaging rates apply. You can contact your wireless carrier for details associated with your particular plan. He says participants may unsubscribe at any time.

Whitaker tells us why they’re offering the text option.

You can contact your local FSA office if you have questions regarding FSA’s email news service or the new text message option.

Again to clarify, to sign up for FSA text alerts from

  • Lyon County : Text IALyon to FSANOW (372669).
  • O’Brien County: Text IAObrien to FSANOW (372669).
  • Osceola County: Text IAOsceola to FSANOW (372669).
  • Sioux County: Text IASioux to FSANOW (372669).


Larchwood Dairy Gets $100,000 Grant

Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has announced that 15 Iowa dairy projects have been awarded Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants. And

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