For Marketplace Plus:
John Deere 60″ zero turn mower and pond boat.
For Sale:

Custom 21″ wheel tire for a motorcycle. It is black and came off a Harley Davidson. It is like new. 470-0985 and I can send pictures as well.
Set of camper steps, wash line poles, 265 75R tires all for sale. 1-712-344-9185
John Deere Front Tine garden tiller. Model #324. Call 712-225-4146. Located in Cherokee.
14-foot boat with 15 horse Johnson. IT comes with a fold bed trailer that has new tires and rims, fish finder. The boat also comes with a set of ores and a cover. Asking for $1,500. I also have a galvanized short loader trailer that can hold a 12-foot and 14-foot boat. The trailer has new tires and wheels, as well as a jack. Asking for $400. 712-330-2742.
2014 77-passenger International school bus. It has a max force engine and is ready to go for RAGBRI. 395-0016
10 2 1/2 dollar Indian Gold pieces and 225 good Morgan Silver dollars. 395-0165
John Deere lawn mower with 36″ cut. It also has a new battery, the oil has been changed and it has been stored inside. 712-540-8196
1983 Ford van. 712-344-9185
10 black Jersey Giant Hens. They were hatched about a year ago. $5 each. 348-0921
Craftsman 16HP lawn tractor. It has mulching blades and mulching plate. It does need a new battery though. It is located in Sibley. 712-720-7157
Patio table that is in good condition. 712-541-5235
Golf cart. 395-0016
7 1/4″ Stetson cowboy hat. 395-0165
Lost and Found:
Found: A weed eater south of Sheldon. 635-7167
Knowledge Nugget:
Doodling has been shown to offer several cognitive benefits, including improved memory, stress relief, enhanced concentration and a boost in creativity. (So, the next time your boss catches you tell them: “I’m not being rude, I’m multitasking on a genius level.”)