KIWA Marketplace for April 24

For Marketplace Plus:

1987 Chevy bus converted to an RV

DeWalt job site radio with built in battery charger and impact.

John Deere 60″ zero turn mower and a pond boat.

For Sale:

Sears Craftsman joiner/planer 712-348-5432

Custom 21” front wheel for a motorcycle. It is black and it is like brand new. Came off a Harley Davidson. 470-0985. The seller may also send pictures to you.

Set of camper steps, wash line poles, 265 75R tires. 1-712-344-9185

John Deere Front Line garden tiller. Model #324. Call 712-225-4146, located in Cherokee.

14-foot boat with 15 horse Johnson. It comes with a fold bed trailer that has new tires and rims, fish finder. The boat also comes with a set of ores and a cover. Asking for $1,500. The same party also has a galvanized short loader trailer that can hold a 12-foot and 14-foot boat. The trailer has new tires and wheels, as well as a jack. Asking for $400. 712-330-2742

2014 77 passenger International school bus. It has a max force engine. Ready to go for RAGBRI. 395-0016

10 2 ½ Indian Golf pieces and 225 good Morgan Silver dollars. 395-0165


Small shed for cats. 441-3400

Patio table that is in good condition. 712-541-5235

Golf cart. 395-0016

7 ¼” cowboy hat. 395-0165

Garage Sale:

Multi-family garage sale. Wednesday-Thursday 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Friday starting at 3:30 p.m. and will be open as long as there is still business. Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. The garage sale will have home décor and seasonal décor , exercise bike, books, electronic handheld games, young adult, adult women and men’s clothes, plus lots of music. 1605 Oak Street in Sheldon.

620 5th Ave Sheldon Wednesday-Saturday 9 a.m. 6 p.m. Most half price on Saturday! I’m #11 on the map, opening a day early!  jewelry, brand new boutique clothes and name brand jeans. Brand new shoes and sandals – low prices! Vintage, beer steins, toys, household, etc. All proceeds benefit First Lutheran youth group trips. Also selling a dozen lefse for only $18. 

Knowledge Nugget:

Ridiculous Thinkgs Men Have Said and Done on Dates:
• “At the end of our dinner date, he pulled out his phone and showed me a photo of a woman wondering if I thought she was attractive. It was her dating profile. He said he was meeting her next and wasn’t sure if she was pretty enough.”
• “This comment came out of the blue on a date: ‘You’re not as pretty as I thought you were.’ My reply: ‘You’re not as tall as I thought you were.’”
• “I still can’t believe this happened. I was in college and went out with a friend who wanted more. He touched my fingertips with his, leaned in, and said, ‘You’ve got pretty fingernails. I’d like to rip them all off.’ I couldn’t get out fast enough.”


KIWA Marketplace for March 7th

For Marketplace Plus: Three captian’s chairs For Sale: 50 gold pieces and rolls of silver. 395-0165 Round bales of hay. Can

KIWA Marketplace for March 4th

For Sale: Fire starters, fishing sinkers and glass insulators for phone polls. 324-3005 Wanted: PTO pump. 712-461-1451 Knowledge Nugget: A survey

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