KIWA Marketplace for April 26

For Marketplace Plus:

Giveaway to a good home: 4 kittens.

Singer Industrial sewing machine and table with motor.

Dahon 3-speed folding bike.

For Sale:

2000 Chevy extended cab pickup. It has new tires, new transmission and new tires as well as 138,000 miles on it. 1-605-351-3626

2021 Dutchmen Fifth Wheel camper. 712-324-1817

John Deere Rotary Hoe and a New Idea nine-foot disc mower. 1-712-344-9185

Sears Craftsman joiner/planer 712-348-5432

2014 77 passenger International school bus. It has a max force engine. Ready to go for RAGBRI. 395-0016


Lilies of the valley flowers near cherokee 225-4146

Small shed for cats. 441-3400

Patio table that is in good condition. 712-541-5235

Golf cart. 395-0016


Piano and stool. Will pay you $50 to take it. It is located in Primghar. 712-221-9290

Gargen row covers. They are long boxes with screen on top to keep birds and other animals out form digging, or eating your plants. 324-4193

Garage Sale:

Moving sale: 3560 McKenly Ave. in Sheldon. Everything is stored inside due to the weather.

Multi family garage sale. Have everything including tools, home decor and home items, baby clothing and items, men’s and women’s clothing size S-2XL, shoes, Snap-on and Briggs & Stratton collector items. Will be open today starting at  11 a.m.-?, as long as there’s business. Located at 409 7th Ave, Sheldon. 

Multi-family garage sale. Today starting at 3:30 p.m. and will be open as long as there is still business. It will be open again Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. The garage sale will have home décor and seasonal décor, an exercise bike, books, electronic handheld games, young adult, adult women and men’s clothes, plus lots of music. 1605 Oak Street in Sheldon.

620 5th Ave Sheldon Today and  Saturday from 9 a.m. 6 p.m. Most half price on Saturday! I’m #11 on the map. This garage sale will have  jewelry, brand new boutique clothes and name brand jeans. Brand new shoes and sandals at low prices. Vintage, beer steins, toys, household, etc. All proceeds benefit First Lutheran youth group trips. Also selling a dozen lefse for only $18. 

Foodie Friday:

It’s National Pretzel Day! Here are some facts about pretzels:

  1. The world can thank a frustrated teacher with leftover bread dough for the invention of the soft pretzel. In 610 C.E., while baking break, an Italian monk decided to create a treat to motivate his distracted catechism students. He rolled out ropes of dough, twisted them to resemble hands crossed on the chest in prayer and baked them. The monk christened his snacks as “pretiola” which is Latin for “little reward”. Parents who tasted their children’s classroom treats referred to them as “brachiola”, or little arms.
  2. Pennsylvania has about 45 pretzel companies in the state. Due to that fact, 80 percent of the pretzels sold in the U.S. are made in Pennsylvania.
  3. Pretzels are traditionally made with wheat flour, so the traditional pretzel contains anywhere from 300 to 500 calories.
  4. Pretzels are also high in carbs, low in protein, but contain some B vitamins.
  5. The current Guinness World Record holder for largest pretzel is Pilsner in El Salvador. In October of 2015, employees baked a massive pretzel that measured 29 feet, three inches (or 8.93 meters) long by 13 feet and three inches wide (or four meters wide). It weighted a whopping 1,728 pounds.

KIWA Marketplace for March 10th

For Marketplace Plus: Three captain’s chairs For Sale: 55-gallon steel barrels. 712-324-4871 Bearcat #950 grinder/mixer. It is in excellent shape and

KIWA Marketplace for March 7th

For Marketplace Plus: Three captian’s chairs For Sale: 50 gold pieces and rolls of silver. 395-0165 Round bales of hay. Can

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