KIWA Marketplace for December 16

For Sale:

Alfalfa hay. 1st, 2nd and 3rd cuts available. Good quality hay. Also for sale, small gravity wagons. All hold up to 250 bushels. All priced reasonably. 540-7479

17 good Carson City Morgan silver dollars. Also for sale, 100 silver dollars and one ounce gold piece. 395-0165

Six miniature Australian Shepherd puppies. All available for $75 each in cash. They will make a loyal friend. They are black and white. Call, or text 712-541-4991 for pictures and more information.

Concertina. Also for sale, brown rocker/recliner. It is a Lazy Boy brand. 712-472-3811


Gun collection and a 7 1/4″ Stetson cowboy hat. 395-0165


Cutty’s membership. 395-0165

Knowledge Nugget:

Skills every Dad should know how to do:

  1. Take a good family photo
  2. Change a diaper
  3. Dance
  4. Build a Lego city without instructions

KIWA Marketplace for January 31

For Marketplace Plus: 275 square feet of laminate flooring For Sale: Alfalfa hay. They are round bales. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and