KIWA Marketplace for December 4

For Sale:

Concertina. Also for sale, a brown Lazy Boy recliner. 712-472-3811

Big Mow lawn mower. It comes with a 32″ deck. It does need some repairs, or parts. Asking for $150.; Also for sale a weight bench with weights and barbells. Asking for $75. Then a third item for sale a love seat, or couch. Asking for $20. 712-470-2452

Small square straw bales, small square hay bales, firewood, 1983 Ford van and 5-ton wagon gear. 712-344-9185

Snowblower. It comes with a 9 HP engine and electric start as well as a 26″ dual sage. It is a Craftsman brand and it has been used very little, so it is like new. 712-348-7146

A gravity wagon. It is a Parker #2000 with an 8-ton gear. Also for sale, another gravity wagon. It is a Dacon with 200 bushels and also 8-ton gear. Both wagons are in good shape. Also have a third item for sale and it is a walk-behind snow blower with a 5 HP engine. It is like new. 540-7479

Lost and Found:

Found: A stray cat near Sheldon. He is male, he is not fixed, super friendly and is black and white in color. He is looking for a good home. Contact Mallorie Baker at 757-292-1103 for more information.

Knowledge Nugget:

Experts say that if you work in an office, the best way to increase productivity is to have plants in the office.


KIWA Marketplace for January 31

For Marketplace Plus: 275 square feet of laminate flooring For Sale: Alfalfa hay. They are round bales. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and

KIWA Marketplace for January 30

For Marketplace Plus: 2014 H & H tandem axel cargo trailer For Sale: Around 275 square feet of laminate flooring. Asking

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