KIWA Marketplace For February 28, 2023

KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am

Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email

All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page. No real estate, including real estate rentals, and handguns.


For Sale:

Sheltie Eskie Mix Puppy, Loves To Snuggle, Vaccinations Up To Date. — Call 712-758-3777, Please Leave Message.

Lay-Z-Boy Rocker Recliner; 3-Light Window For Walk-In Door For Garage, Door Needs to Be 24×36. — 712-472-3811


Bose Radio For Kitchen. — 712-472-3811


Knowledge Nugget:

Have you heard of the Mandela effect? It’s a phenomena where the general consensus is that something is the case, but it really isn’t. For example, the “Monopoly Guy” having a monocle (he doesn’t, everyone can see him with one, and will swear that he does, but he doesn’t). One that could probably come close to that is today’s Knowledge Nugget. The Mona Lisa does not have eyebrows.


KIWA Marketplace for March 10th

For Marketplace Plus: Three captain’s chairs For Sale: 55-gallon steel barrels. 712-324-4871 Bearcat #950 grinder/mixer. It is in excellent shape and

KIWA Marketplace for March 7th

For Marketplace Plus: Three captian’s chairs For Sale: 50 gold pieces and rolls of silver. 395-0165 Round bales of hay. Can

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