For Sale:

2 1/2 dollar Indian Gold Pieces/coins. 395-0165
3+ loads of mixed ashed and maple cured firewood. Stored inside. $60 cash for a level pickup load. You haul. I will help load. Please leave a message if I miss your call. 712-631-0490.
A good used generator for a Honda, or a Yamaha 2,000 or 2,400 Ice capsule. 470-0985
Knowledge Nugget:
January 8 is D-Day. More couples will decide to divorce on Jan. 8 then any other day of the year. Laweyers believe many couples whose marriges have reached a breaking point have stuck together over the past year as they calculated whether they could afford to go their seperate ways.
Parents stick together for one last Christmas as a family, then split up the Monday after their children return to school.