KIWA Marketplace For July 6, 2023

KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3, and Streamed Live on our website, Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am

Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email

All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page. No real estate, including real estate rentals, and handguns.


Electric Mobility Scooter With Charger, Purchased 4/30/2019, Only 9.7 Hours, Like Brand New, One Small Crack In Back Fender, $3200 Price Reduced! — 712-348-1781

Entertainment Center, 57″ Wide, 54″ Tall, 23½” Deep, Partial Glass Door On One Side, Solid, Heavy – Bring People To Lift,  Moving, Just Want It Gone, Make Offer. — 712-344-7161

Pedestal Table With One Leaf, $50. — 712-260-7887

Female House Dog, $100. — 712-461-2122

6 1/8 Inch Craftsman Planer / Joiner, $250. — 712-348-5432

Jelly Jars, Paid $10 Each, Selling For $8 Each OBO. — 712-461-0268

Female German Shorthair Pointer, 8 Years Old, Needs To Go To A Home Without Other Dogs And Little Kids, She Is A Cuddly Dog And Loves To Sun Bathe. — 712-330-1238

Dixon Riding Lawn Mower With Bagger, Kohler Motor, $1,200 obo; Stainless Steel Thermos Brand Grill, Great Condition, $75 obo. — 712-631-0042 Or 712-324-3056

Drop Leaf Table, Almost New, Solid Wood, 40 Inches Round With Leaves Extended, Two Padded Chairs. $175. — 712-324-4703

Filter Queen Room Air Purifier; Filter Queen Vacuum. — 712-400-0162



Adult Cats. — 712-441-3400



Bale Conveyor 16-20 Foot With Electric Motor; 42 Inch Bucket For Bobcat 310 Skidsteer, Or Complete Bobcat 310 Skidsteer, Must Be In Good Condition. — 712-540-7479



In 2013, a Michigan man survived being hit by a train traveling in excess of 100mph. Lifelong train engineers claim they’ve never seen anyone survive anything like that before. He was walking along a set of tracks, listening to music so loud he didn’t hear the oncoming train. The train was bound for Chicago, and hit him, throwing him 20 feet. It broke bones, crushed some vertebrae, and resulted in him needing surgery to put a plate in his neck, but he did survive, apparently remembering nothing of the accident.


KIWA Marketplace for March 12th

From Marketplace Plus: Three captain’s chairs FOR SALE: 55 gallon steel barrels – 712-324-4871 IH #470 Disk, 19-feet wide with newer

KIWA Marketplace for March 11th

From Marketplace Plus: Three captain’s chairs FOR SALE: Mature Muskovy ducks and Buff Orphington roosters – 712-470-0348 WANTED TO BUY: 1

KIWA Marketplace for March 10th

For Marketplace Plus: Three captain’s chairs For Sale: 55-gallon steel barrels. 712-324-4871 Bearcat #950 grinder/mixer. It is in excellent shape and

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