For Sale:

Size 24 women’s denim jacket. 712-631-0898
Piece of farm equipment: It is a Case IH #8480 round bailer. It is in good shape, but it is twine tie only. The bails will measure at 5 feet by 6 feet; Also for sale: Round bail alfalfa hay. They were just bailed last week. Just good, clean hay. You can negotiate on the price. 540-7479
250 Morgan Silver dollars and 25 2 ½ Indian Gold pieces. 395-0165
1965 Dodge Coronet . Parts or whole car. 712-461-1741
8×16 or 18-foot long flat bail wagon. Does not need running gear. 540-7479
Used horse shoes for a 4-H project. 441-2047
Pipes. They should be 350 feet long and be at least 2 inches, or bigger. They can have leaks. The cheaper, the better. 712-320-1906
Golf cart and/or a Stetson 7 ¼” cowboy hat. 395-1065
Gun collection. 395-0016
Free Siberian Huskies puppies. One boy and one girl. They have papers, M/chip and are vaccinated. Call 1-541-242-8788, or email
Foodie Friday:
It’s National Strawberry Shortcake Day!
One fact about strawberry shortcake is the first known shortcake recipe dates back to 1588 from an old English cookbook. By 1850, strawberry shortcake was a well-known biscuit and fruit desert served hot with butter and sweetened cream.
In the United States, strawberry shortcake parties were held as celebrations of the summer fruit harvest. This tradition is upheld in some parts of the United States on June 14, which is Strawberry Shortcake Day.