KIWA Marketplace for March 18

For Marketplace Plus:

Mower and Pond Boat

For Sale:

Indoor cycle exercise bike. $75; push mower for $150 and a self propelled mower for $125. 1-712-957-6355

Indoor air purifier, vacuum 712-400-0162

7 section noble Haro hydraulic lift for $1,000 obo; #950 Bearcat grinder/mixer. It has been stored inside and is in good condition. It also has hydraulic drive. $4,000 obo. It does not have a scale. 712-540-7479


John Deere ingage seater with a drive wheel. 712-281-0736

Knowledge Nugget:

Research shows the average retiree starts getting bored just over a year into retirement.


KIWA Marketplace for December 17

For Sale: Small square hay bales, small square straw bales, firewood, 5-ton wagon gear and a 1983 Ford van. 712-344-9185 Alfalfa