For Marketplace Plus:
Cedar Chest, Coffee table and a solid oak 4-drawer chest
For Sale:

Two window well coverings. They are brand new from Menards. 348-4679
14-foot long fishing boat. Comes with a trailer, motor, brand new fish finder (it is still in the box) and new tires. Asking for $1,500. Also for sale, a galvanized trailer for a 14-foot boat. It also comes with new tires. 330-2742
Semin 100 HP motor; 560 Farmall narrow front; 30-foot fifth wheel steel trailer; 13 bean saw bails. 712-344-9538
A dozen sheep. 441-2047
Butchered chickens if anyone has them for sale in the area. 712-389-8738
A roll bar that is red in color and a white shade to go with it for an IH 766, or 966 tractor; 16-foot cattle feed bunk. 540-7479
Knowledge Nugget:
Older workers are more likely to stay on the job when:
- They have control over hours.
- Workplace flexibility
- Job autonomy