Ag groups support the Ocean Shipping Reform Act

IARN — Ag groups positively reacted to President Biden signing the Ocean Shipping Reform Act, which will address the supply chain and shipping port issues hampering U.S. exports. “Exports add significantly to the bottom line of each producer,” says National Pork Producers Council President-Elect Scott Hayes. “More assurances that exports get safely to their destination is a big win for agriculture.” American Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall personally spoke to President Biden last week about the legislation.

“Addressing congestion at our ports and creating greater accountability for shipping companies is a positive step,” Duvall says. The National Milk Producers Federation and the U.S. Dairy Export Council both applauded the bill getting signed into law. “We’re asking the Federal Maritime Commission to implement these rules quickly and begin to conduct the new oversight to end the unfair practices that have impeded American dairy products from efficiently getting to their overseas customers,” says NMPF President Jim Mulhern.

Story courtesy of the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.

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Data-driven success with GHX

IARN – In today’s challenging agricultural economy, farmers must leverage every piece of data available to maximize their return on investment.