IARN — While it’s been bitter cold across Iowa this week with temperatures well below zero, the 2021 Iowa Beef Expo has continued without any hiccups.
Mallory Robinson is the new executive director of the Iowa Beef Expo. She says the schedule has been jam packed during this year’s event, which began on February 13th and runs through this Sunday, February 21st. Robinson says two new events for the expo are coming up this Friday. The first of which is called the Supreme Row Drive.
“Each breed picked a candidate for the bull and the heifer,” Robinson said. “They will get to come back Friday, February 19th at 4:30 p.m. to compete for overall champion. We have some great sponsors. We have $10,000 raised. The champion heifer and champion bull will each get $5,000 with $2,500 of that going to the consigner who brought the animal, and $2,500 of that going to the buyer that bought the animal at the Beef Expo.”
Robinson adds the second new event, which is also at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, is the Sale Heifer Futurity.
“Any open heifer that was sold in any of these sales this week that were bought by a junior exhibitor are able to bring them back on Friday and compete for an overall sale heifer,” Robinson said. “Purina actually sponsored this event for us and each kid will be getting some Purina products, but the champion overall will get $500 and the reserve will get $250. Just from what we’ve been able to tell from the ones that have been picked for our Supreme Row, some of them are open heifers and so they’ll be able to compete in both events.”
To stay up to date on the events at the Iowa Beef Expo, visit their online schedule. Sale results can be viewed on the Iowa Beef Expo Facebook page.
Story courtesy of the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network
Photo courtesy of the Iowa Beef Expo