Congresswoman Hinson gives update on Ag bills

IARN — Members of the Iowa delegation in both chambers of Congress have been making efforts at advancing agricultural legislation aimed at fixing everyday issues that Iowa farmers are facing. Whether it is supply chain issues, biofuels, cattle market transparency, or other policies; they have been working hard to bring our needs to the minds of their fellow lawmakers.

I had the chance to talk with Iowa 1st district Congresswoman Ashley Hinson. She had some updates to share with us from the House of Representatives. This includes measures that were passed out of the Ag Committee this week.

The first piece of legislation we discussed was the PRECISE Act. Hinson says that it is meant to allow farmers to have better access to precision ag equipment which allows them to be better managers of inputs, costs, and the environment. That bill passed with unanimous support in the House Ag Committee.

Story courtesy of the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.

Congresswoman Ashley Hinson talks with IARN”s Dustin Hoffmann 5-19-20

