Crop insurance is essential to the survival of family farms

IARN — As the 2023 Farm Bill gets rolling in discussion sessions, a lot of attention will be paid to the crop insurance portion of the legislation. Crop Insurance has long been a cornerstone in the Farm Bill and is also one of its biggest targets. Many non-farmers believe that it is a subsidy paid out to farmers. In reality, it is an insurance policy triggered in the event of a natural disaster. It’s a policy that farmers pay for every year.

Ahead of the major Farm Bill debates, National Crop Insurance Services is sharing the stories of farmers, agents, and adjusters to educate Americans and lawmakers about the assurance these programs offer farmers.

Scott Flowers is a Mississippi farmer, and he tells the same story that can be heard on countless farms around the country. Crop insurance can give producers peace of mind against whatever is thrown at them.

For more on this story visit the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.

Polk County, Iowa cornfield standing tall looking for water in dry 2021 summer. Red barn in background. (Photo by Dustin Hoffmann)



Data-driven success with GHX

IARN – In today’s challenging agricultural economy, farmers must leverage every piece of data available to maximize their return on investment.