Iowa corn rated 66% good/excellent, soybeans 65%

IARN — Much needed rain showers limited Iowa farmers to 4.2 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending July 11th, according to the weekly Crop Progress and Conditions Report on Monday.

Widespread precipitation helped with stress on crops and forages. Corn silking or beyond reached 21%, two days behind the 5-year average. There were scattered reports of corn reaching the dough stage. Iowa’s corn condition improved slightly to 66% good to excellent.

USDA Meteorologist Brad Rippey provides the first national look of the season for corn reaching the dough stage.

“That number is 3%, equal to the five-year average and equal to what we saw this time a year ago,” said Rippey. “Not unexpectedly, very little progress to the dough stage in the heart of the Midwest.”

Fifty-six percent of Iowa soybeans were blooming, 5 days ahead of the five-year average. Fifteen percent of soybeans were setting pods, 5 days ahead of normal. Iowa soybean condition improved to 65% good to excellent.

Rippey takes a look at development of the U.S. soybean crop.

“A lot of the crop is entering reproduction,” said Rippey. “In fact, the current number of soybeans blooming on July 11th is 46%. We also see a pretty rapid pace of soybeans setting pods. The national number is 10%. The five-year average is 10% and last year at this time we were at 10%.”

Oats headed or beyond reached 97% in Iowa with 72% turning color, three days ahead of normal. Ten percent of oats for grain has been harvested, two days ahead of the 5-year average. Iowa’s oat condition improved to 62% good to excellent.

Story courtesy of the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network

Image source: Wikimedia Commons



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