Mississippi River is giving shippers whiplash

IARN — It’s been a year of ups and downs. Whether it has been market numbers, crop yield estimates, or demand for our goods, we have seen the ebbs and flows all year.

Speaking of ebbs and flows, the Mississippi River has been seeing its own ups and downs this year. We started off the year with high water levels after the spring thaw of heavy snowpacks to our north. This caused a slowdown or stoppage of shipping down the river. Now as droughts have been continuing across the Midwest (check local listings as the rains fall across the state today.), the water levels are lower and are jeopardizing shipping for a second time this year.

Mike Steenhoek is with the Soy Transportation Council and says this back and forth on the river has been plaguing shipping for almost a year.

For more on this story, visit the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.

