Precision Ag & Animal Science Field Days Are Tuesday Through Thursday

Primghar, Iowa — Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will host the annual Precision Agriculture and Animal Science Field Days for area high school students on Tuesday through Thursday, Sept. 3-5 at the Northwest Iowa Research Farm near Sutherland.

Iowa State University Extension Agronomist Joel De Jong tells us about it.

He says the day showcases careers in agriculture and connecting students with college and business and industry leaders.

De Jong says they invite the high schools from around the area. Students take part in real-life ag career activities and make connections with individuals who can help them after high school, whether that be in college or the job market. Extension officials tell us the connections students make during the event can guide them in making career choices and even finding a job or internship.

De Jong tells us that in addition to being on the planning committee, he always has a presentation in his area too — agronomy.

Precision Agriculture and Animal Science Days received the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council Seal of Approval in 2017 and each year, event coordinators strive to make Precision Ag and Animal Science Days bigger and better than the last.

One hundred fifty students in ninth through twelvth grade are invited to attend the event each day, for a total of approximately 450 youth participants during the three-day period.

Precision agriculture and animal science – specifically poultry production and biosecurity – are the focuses of this year’s event, and students will take part in a variety of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) activities.

Each day, there will be 12 different presentations between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., with a keynote speaker during the noon lunch.




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