Utilizing Climate FieldView Plus from Bayer

IARN — Bayer continues to expand on its digital platforms that help farmers manage their operations.

FieldView Plus is developed by The Climate Corporation, which is a subsidiary of Bayer. FieldView Plus is seamless data integration and analysis for a deeper understanding of farms and businesses. Kyle King is commercial product director with The Climate Corporation.

“Climate FieldView Plus is a subscription product to where a farmer or user can visualize their data and utilize our analytical tools to evaluate the performance of what they did on their farm,” King said. “Our goal with Climate FieldView Plus is to make it easy for farm operations and their trusted business advisers to really work together through these digital tools and utilize this data to really drive decisions on their farm.”

With FieldView Plus, farmers get yield analysis, field region reports, field health imagery, manual seed scripts and fertility scripts at their fingertips.

“Whether you are a new customer or repeat customer, we are excited to announce our new pricing structure,” said King. “If you’re looking to get started or looking to renew, for $99 a year you can really get that enabled especially with planting right here. If you have a Bayer PLUS Rewards Account, you can also link your Climate account to that and get 12 months for free. If you don’t have a Bayer PLUS Rewards Account, you can sign up for that, link them, and still get your FieldView account for free for 12 months.”

King says Bayer continues to make upgrades to FieldView Plus. They recently expanded the platform’s search and filter function.

“If you are looking for a specific field, instead of looking through all of your fields, you can quickly either search and filter by field name or you can group by geography, group by field or group by other information just to help you visualize and get to your data faster and cleaner.”

Learn more at The Climate Corporation’s website.

Story courtesy of the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network

Photo by Bayer

