City of Sheldon urges residents to disconnect from the sanitary sewer system

Sheldon – With the recent rain falls, and more rain in the forcast, the City of Sheldon urges everyone to disconnect now from the sanitary sewer system and run water into your storm sewer.

Shledon Public Works Director Todd Uhl note more rain is expected, and tells us with the recent rainfalls, flows in the sanitary sewer system have already increased five times the limit. Sheldon’s nearly brand new swer plant normally processes 800,000 mdg. On Saturday, June 1st, the plant processed 3.6 million gallons. The city was over capacity at the 330th lift station.

The system is severely stressed and the possibility of sewer back up is real. You can help reduce this risk for yourself, your neighbors, and the city by making sure that your sump pumps and roof drains are NOT discharging into the sanitary sewer system.

See also this excerpt from City Code 95.04:

No person shall do, or allow, any of the following:

  1. Surface Run-Off or Groundwater. Connect a roof downspout, sump pump, exterior foundation drain, areaway drain, or other source of surface run-off or groundwater to a building sewer or building drain that is connected directly or indirectly to a public sanitary sewer.

For updated information see: | City of Sheldon (
