Nearly 40 CBA Grants Have Been Awarded to Spencer Businesses Impacted by Last Summer’s Flooding; Funding Still Available

Spencer, Iowa — A total of 38 Commercial Business Assistance Grants have been awarded to businesses within Spencer that were impacted by last summer’s flooding.

Applications for the program opened February 3rd. According to the Spencer Economic Development Corporation, as of today (Fri), 38 grants had been awarded for a total of 747 thousand dollars in assistance to Spencer businesses. The grants can be used to reimburse for equipment, furniture, and inventory lost in last June’s flooding.

Funds are still available. Applications are open until April 1st, or until funds are depleted. Reimbursable expenditures must be incurred before June 6th of this year. Click here to apply. Contact the Iowa Lakes Corridor Development Corporation for more information.

(Courtesy fellow Community First Broadcasting station KAYL in Storm Lake)


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