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Payroll Deduction And In Some Cases, Employer Match Are Options With Sheldon United Fund

Sheldon, Iowa — If you haven’t yet given a donation through the Sheldon United Fund this year, here’s a reminder that they are still accepting donations through the end of the year.

Dominic Seivert with the United Fund tells us that when you give to the Sheldon United Fund, it’s up to you. You can give to one organization, more than one, or all of the organizations. He tells us the number of organizations participating holds pretty steady from year to year.

He tells us how you can donate.

He says you can also send your donation by mail to PO Box 41, Sheldon, Iowa 51201. Seivert says they will also do payroll deduction if you want to give a part of your paycheck to the United Fund.

While the funds have come in well over the goal in recent years, Seivert says the goal is again $30,000.

Seivert made his comments last month on the KIWA Talk of the Town Program, which can be heard on weekday mornings at 8:30 on KIWA-FM 105.3. We also post a podcast of every Talk of The Town Program, and you can find those by clicking here.


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