Salvaging Disaster-Damaged Heirlooms

Northwest Iowa — If you think you may have lost heirlooms or precious photographs in the flood, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) says they might be able to help.

FEMA is giving free demonstrations on salvaging disaster-damaged family treasures this week.  FEMA preservation professionals will hold demonstrations at area federal Disaster Recovery Centers.  The specialists will demonstrate how to clean photographs, preserve books and documents, and save electronic media and textiles.  The demonstrations are free, but survivors are asked not to bring damaged items to the demonstrations.  Instead, take a photo of the item(s) for which you would like to ask the specialists’ advice on.

Demonstrations start Tuesday at the Forster Community Center in Rock Rapids, and they’ll be open from 9am until 5pm and will be open again Wednesday from 9am until 5pm.  Demonstrations will also be given at the City Park Shelter House in Rock Valley this Thursday, August 1st from 9am to 5pm, and then Friday, August 2nd from 9am until 1pm. 

The demonstrations are sponsored by the Heritage Emergency National Task Force, a coalition of more than 60 national organizations and federal agencies co-sponsored by FEMA and the Smithsonian Institution.

If you are unable to attend these events, click here for more helpful information.


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