Weekly Iowa DNR Fishing Report for Northwest Iowa

Northwest Iowa – Here is this week’s Northwest Iowa Fishing Report from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, as released Thursday afternoon, January 16th.

East Okoboji Lake
Ice thickness is around 11 inches in most areas. A handful of areas have just frozen over recently, mainly on the northern most basin.  Black Crappie – Good:  Bluegill – Good: Largemouth Bass – Fair: Yellow Perch – Good: Many perch seen; sorting most likely needed.

Ingham Lake
There is a large open hole just north of the island. Ice thickness is around 11.5 inches. Walleye – Fair: Morning and afternoon bite is best.  

Silver Lake (Dickinson)
Caution: The lake aerator is in operation. Ice thickness is around 12.5 inches. Walleye – Good: Bite hit-or-miss, but very good when bite is on.

Spirit Lake
The lake has suitable ice for fishing, but also has a large open water section off Big Stoney Point. Ice thickness is up to 12 inches in some location; there are thinner areas on the main basin that froze more recently. There is no access on the south end due to a large heave. Black Crappie – Good: Anglers are finding quality-size crappie up to 14-inches. Bluegill – Good. Walleye – Good: Yellow Perch – Good: Sorting is needed; anglers are finding many of acceptable size.

West Okoboji Lake
Most areas are now fishable; there are still many unsafe areas or areas of open water on the main lake. Black Crappie – Fair: Bluegill – Good.

Warning: Many larger lakes have areas of open water or areas that have iced over very recently. Be cautious of seams that have popped up on many lakes. Most area lakes have 12 or more inches of ice. The extended forecast calls for continued below freezing temperatures.  Check ice thickness often when going out.  For current conditions, call the Spirit Lake District Office at 712-336-1840.



Sports Schedule For Saturday February 8th

Dual Team State Wrestling is on the Saturday schedule. For results click on the link below https://www.trackwrestling.com/teamtournaments/MainFrame.jsp?newSession=false&TIM=1738944207644&pageName=%2Fteamtournaments%2FBracketViewer.jsp&twSessionId=wqufstfugy