Weekly Northwest Iowa DNR Fishing Report

Here is this week’s Northwest Iowa Fishing report as released by the Iowa Department of Resources Thursday, April 4.

Black Hawk Lake
Water temperature is in the mid-40s. Expect shore fishing action to pick up throughout the week as temperatures continue to warm. Black Crappie – Fair: Try in and around the fish house in Town Bay and along Ice House Point shoreline. Bluegill – Slow. Walleye – Fair: The last week has been slow. Expect shore fishing action to pick up as water temperatures warm throughout the week. Use twisters or live bait from shore. Yellow Perch – Fair: Some perch are being picked up in Town Bay on minnows and crawlers.

Brushy Creek Lake
Courtesy docks are in on the north, east, and south ramps. One of the two docks is in at the west ramp. Black Crappie – Fair. Largemouth Bass – Fair.  Walleye – Slow. Yellow Perch – Fair. 

North Twin LakeWater levels are 2-3 feet low. No courtesy docks are installed at the south boat ramps due to low water levels. A courtesy dock is in at the west boat ramp at Featherstone County Park.

Storm Lake (incl Little Storm Lake)
Water clarity is about 2 feet. Water temperatures are in the low 40s, but will slowly climb throughout the week. Look for walleye to move in closer to shore as spawning activity ramps up. The DNR’s walleye broodstock collection efforts will be going on this weekend and next week. Black Crappie – Slow. Walleye – Fair: Look for shore fishing action to pick up as water temperatures start to warm. White Bass – Fair.  Yellow Bass – Fair. Yellow Perch – Slow: Anglers have picked up some perch in the marina.

Water temperatures slowly warmed to the mid-40s in many area lakes throughout last week.  Look for shore fishing to improve as water temperatures continue to climb. For more information, contact the Black Hawk District office at 712-657-2638.

