Bill Combines Two Traffic-Related Policies Legislators Have Pondered For Years

Des Moines, Iowa — A bill that would both ban traffic enforcement cameras AND require motorists to mainly use smartphones in hands-free mode while driving is eligible for debate in both the Iowa House AND Senate.

The bill passed out of the House Transportation Committee on a narrow 11-to-10 vote yesterday Wednesday. Some committee members said the two issues should be separated. Others oppose the ban on traffic cameras. Committee chairman Brian Best of Glidden says he hopes to craft a compromise.

Law enforcement officials are raising concerns about an outright ban on traffic cameras, along with continuing to allow motorists to handle a smartphone while driving if they’re talking or using the phone for navigation. Johnston Police Chief Dennis McDaniel is president of the Iowa Police Chiefs Association.

Law enforcement officials say they’re open to state regulation of cameras that generate tickets for speeding or running red lights, but oppose an outright ban on automated traffic enforcement technology.
