The Dixie Swim Club, written by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope, and Jamie Wooten, is the story of five unforgettable Southern women who form a deep and lasting bond while on their college swim team. Every August, they meet at the same beach cottage to catch up with each others’ lives. The show highlights four of these weekends over a thirty-three year period. As years pass, they share their lives and challenges with rapid fire wit and the power of teamwork. the Dixie Swim Club is a hilarious and, in the end, touching comedy about the strength of friendship.
For tickets, call 1015 Steak Company at 712-754-3540, between 5 & 10 pm Tuesday through Saturday.
Show Dates – April 11th – 14th
Dinner starts: 5:30
Curtain: 7:30
Characters & Cast
Sheree Hollinger———-Darcy Martinez
Dinah Grayson————-Lori Anderson
Lexie Richards————-Angie DeKok
Jeri Neal McFeeley——-Kathy Arnold
Vernadette Sims———-Denise Truckenmiller
Director———————BJ Schuller
Producer——————–Lissa Johnson