United Methodist Church In Sheldon Will Serve Meals During The Summer For 10th Year

Sheldon, Iowa — During the summer there have been many food services that have popped up since the COVID pandemic, but the United Methodist Church in Sheldon has been doing their program for 10 years.

Children’s Ministry Director Michelle Noack tells us that meals will be served at the United Methodist Church Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. each day. This will begin on Tuesday, May 30th, and will go until Friday, August 18th. Meals are open for everyone, of all ages, and are free of charge. She says they even offer second helping.

Noack says that children are welcome to use the building during serving time to play.

She says, even with the schools doing food programs she has noticed an increase in meals at the church. She explains the average last year.

Noack says they couldn’t do the program without donors.

The United Methodist Church meals begin on Tuesday, May 30th at 11:00 a.m. at the church, which is located at 506 8th Street in Sheldon.
