Warm Start Chilly End To November 2022

Sheldon, Iowa — November 2022 started in Sheldon setting a new record high, and tying one with the second and third of the month both reaching 75 degrees.

This temperature broke the previous record on the second, and tied the record on the third. These two days were the warmest days of the month. There were also plenty of chilly days, with the lowest high occuring on the 12th and 17th, where the mercury only rose to 23. The coldest that November got was on the 19th and 20th, where it dipped down to barely into the double-digits at 10 degrees. With such a broad range of temperatures, the average high came in at 44, which is a mere one degree below the average normal high of 45. The average low temperature for the month was 22, which is only 2 degrees below the average normal low temperature.

November also showed us the largest snowfall of the month coming at the end of the month, where Sheldon saw four inches of new snowfall as the area was blanketed with the first substantial snow event of the season. The total snowfall for November 2022 was 5.4 inches, bringing the total season snowfall to 5.45 inches, compared to the normal snowfall for the season of 4.3 inches. The year to date precip ended at 16.66 inches, which is just shy of 10 inches below the normal year to date of 26.65 inches.


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