School Board Approves Adoption of Preschool Program

Sheldon, Iowa – The Sheldon Community Schools Board met in regular session on Wednesday, April 10th at 5:00 pm in the high school library.

Middle School teacher Christie Seivert and several 6th graders shared about the process involved in developing their Night of the Notables reports for the event that took place at the middle school this past Monday, April 8th.

There were eleven open enrollments, two contract adjustments, and two contract offers presented for consideration, all of which were approved by the board. Tracey Meyer will be filling the position of school business manager and board secretary when LaDonn Hartzel retires this summer.

Principal Groendyke shared that the spring book fair was a huge success and raised almost $13,000, of which the school receives 50% to put towards the purchase of new books for the library. The spring fundraiser surpassed its $12,000 goal and brought in $18,700. Eighth graders will be attending a Career Awareness Day at NCC on April 12th, according to Principal Barwick. She also shared that 5th graders will complete their DARE program, which educated students on the dangers of drugs and alcohol, on April 26th. Meanwhile, sophomores will also be exploring career opportunities on the 26th as they participate in the O’Brien County Manufacturing Day at NCC.

Superintendent Cory Myer presented information and opened discussion on the Leader in Me, a whole-school transformation model designed to build leadership and life skills in students. The program is appropriate for all of K-12, and is a process that addresses the way everyday situations and problems are approached and handled. He also shared that the high school welding class is exploring the possibility of working with area businesses to provide students with real-world, hand on opportunities.

In new business, the final FY20 Budget was presented and approved, as was the continuation of sharing an industrial technology teacher with Boyden-Hull. Also discussed were the district career guidance plan, non-resident 2019 summer driver’s education tuition, the adoption of Teacher Appreciation Week (May 6-10, 2019), summer school programs, the 2019-20 volunteer and student/parent handbooks, and a tiered diploma proposal. The Board also voted to approve the implementation of a 4-year-old preschool program within the school district and will lease space from Children’s World to carry this out.

The next regular meeting of the Sheldon Community Schools Board has been set for Wednesday, May 8th at 5:00 pm in the High School Library.


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