Two From Sioux Center And One From Ireton Taken To Hospital After Crash

Sioux Center, Iowa– A Sioux Center man and woman and an Ireton man were taken to the hospital after an accident near Sioux Center recently.

The Sioux Center Police Department reports that 81-year-old Marvin Wielard of Sioux Center was driving a 2016 Toyota SUV northbound on 13th Avenue Northeast, at the northeast corner of the Sioux Center city limits. They tell us that 50-year-old Brady Van Sloten of Ireton was eastbound on 20th Street Northeast in a 2007 Peterbilt truck.

The report says that there were no traffic control devices for Wielard’s path, but Van Sloten had a yield sign. The officer says the roads were snow- and ice-covered, and it was foggy, with occasional moderate to heavy snowfall. He tells us the vision of both drivers was obscured by a house at the southwest corner of the intersection. He says Van Sloten, who had a fully loaded grain trailer, was unable to stop at the intersection due to conditions and entered the intersection. Wielard says he did not see Van Sloten until the vehicles collided. As a result of the collision, the Van Sloten truck ended up in the north ditch in a snowbank. Wielard ended up near the south ditch.

The Sioux Center Ambulance took Wielard and a passenger in his vehicle, 69-year-old Mary Wielard to the Sioux Center Health Hospital.
A Sioux County Sheriff’s Deputy took Van Sloten to Sioux Center Health Hospital.

Wielard’s Toyota SUV sustained $20,000 in damages, and Van Sloten’s Peterbilt truck sustained $10,000 in damages. A Rural Water valve sleeve owned by Rural Water System #1 sustained $500 in damages.

Van Sloten was charged with failure to obey a yield sign.
