Bill Would Forbid College Subsidies From Being Included In Divorce Decrees

Des Moines, Iowa — A bill eligible for debate in the Iowa Senate would prohibit judges from requiring a divorcing parent to cover some of the costs of their child’s college education.

Senator Scott Webster, a Republican from Bettendorf, says the bill is sponsored by another senator, in response to a specific case.

An Iowa judge currently has the option of ordering a parent getting a divorce to pay up to one-third of the total cost of their child’s undergraduate education. Webster says it’s an equal protection issue.

Senator Nate Boulton, a Democrat from Des Moines, says his parents were divorced when he went to college and their divorce decree helped navigate the financial aspect of getting that degree.

The bill cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee last week. Senator Herman Quirmbach, a Democrat from Ames who voted against the bill, says parents have an obligation to provide for their children and college is a big step forward in life.

Webster says that kind of criticism is a little bit disrespectful.

Iowa is one of 17 states that allow judges to order a divorcing parent to pay at least part of a child’s college tuition and fees.



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