Community Blood Bank Hosting Blood Drive At KIWA Thursday

Sheldon, Iowa — Your next opportunity to help save a life through the donation of blood is this Thursday in Sheldon. In fact, the bloodmobile is to be right in front of the KIWA studios, downtown.

Community Blood Bank Executive Director Ken Ver Steeg tells us about it.

He says autumn is one of their busiest blood use times.

Again, you can call 605-331-3222 or go to to sign up for an appointment, or just walk in if you can wait a while.

VerSteeg says they always like to partner with KIWA.

KIWA is located at 411 9th Street in Sheldon, across the street north of the Sheldon Community Services Center.

He tells us donors must be at least 17 years old (16 years old with a signed parent consent form found at, weigh 110 lbs or more and be in good general health the day of the donation. Please bring an I.D. It is recommended that a person eat and drink plenty of fluid prior to donating. If you are on medication, know that you can give blood while on most medications, but please have a list of all your medications with you when you donate, just in case. They will also ask you what cities and countries other than the US that you have visited recently.



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