Sheldon, Iowa – Students often wonder if what they learn in school will actually be useful later in life. At St. Patrick’s Catholic School in Sheldon, Middle School Math teacher Chris Derochie is making sure her students see that it is.
She reached out to KIWA asking for a little assistance with a project she was putting together for her 5th grade students. Later this spring the class will be responsible for timing out the passion play they will be presenting. They will need to evaluate the songs and speaking times incorporated in the play and make sure it falls within the allotted time the performance is scheduled to take.
To help them get a feel for what it would be like, KIWA representative Rachel McDonald went to speak to the class. The students were each tasked to fill in an hour-long playlist for the radio station with songs from different categories. But they also had to take into consideration time for news, weather, and radio ads. Their goal was to get as close to a full hour as they could, with a two-minute cushion on either side of that hour.
The students realized that learning about sets and timing is a lot more important that they might have initially thought!
The Passion Play will be performed on Tuesday, April 16th at 1:00 and 7:00 pm at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Sheldon.