Eight Orab Middle School Instrumentalists Selected For Northwest IBA Honor Bands

Sheldon, Iowa — Eight band students from Sheldon Middle School have been selected to participate in the 54th annual Northwest Iowa Bandmasters Association Junior High/Middle School Honor Band Festival.

This past Saturday, over 300 seventh and eighth grade band students from 35 Northwest Iowa schools auditioned for a position in two honor bands. Approximately 190 students were chosen. Those selected students will perform a concert at Storm Lake High School, Saturday, November 6th.

Selected from Sheldon Middle School  are: Sadie Dietrick, 8th grade clarinet; Alissa Porreca, 8th grade clarinet; Gage Haan, 8th grade baritone saxophone; Eli Thiner, 8th grade trumpet; Rachel Besaw, 8th grade horn; Londyn Van Wyk, 8th grade horn; Theresa Nilles, 7th grade horn; and Lewis Scheaffer, 7th grade horn. Their band director is Jeana Larson. She tells KIWA that the four Sheldon horn players represent 25% of the total number selected for positions in the two bands.

Guest conductors for the honor band festival will be Rich Nicklay, retired Spirit Lake Middle School Band Director and Dr. Onsby Rose, the Director of Instrumental Studies and Associate Professor of Music at Dordt University in Sioux Center.




Superintendent Myer To Stay In Sheldon

Milford, Iowa — The Okoboji Community School District has a new superintendent, and Sheldon Community School District Superintendent Cory Myer is

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