Election Results

Northwest Iowa — Election results are in for the 2016 General Election in the four northwest Iowa counties.
vote voting ballot


Sioux: Trump 81%; Clinton 13%
O’Brien: Trump 78%; Clinton 18%
Osceola: Trump 79%; Clinton 17%
Lyon: Trump 81%; Clinton 14%

US Senate
Sioux: Grassley 89%; Judge 9%
O’Brien: Grassley 83%; Judge 15%
Osceola: Grassley 83%; Judge 14%
Lyon: Grassley 85%; Judge 12%

US Rep Dist 4
Sioux: King 83%; Weaver 16%
O’Brien: King 75%; Weaver 25%
Osceola: King 77%; Weaver 23%
Lyon: King 82%; Weaver 18%

State Rep Dist 3
Sioux: Huseman 89%; McCoy 11%
O’Brien: Huseman 83%; McCoy 17%

State Rep Dist 4
Sioux: Wheeler 63%; VanDerWerff 37%

Osceola Dist 2 Supervisor
VandeHoef 56%; Sixta 44%

Osceola Dist 4 Supervisor
Helmers 66%; Bootsma 33%

Osceola Dist 5 Supervisor
Jones 58%; Sandersfeld 42%

Lyon Dist 3 Supervisor
Behrens 79%; Klinkenborg 21%
For the results, follow these links:

