Family Crisis Centers Seeing Uptick During Pandemic

Sioux Center, Iowa — The pandemic has caused some issues that you may not think of at first, such as an uptick in the reporting of domestic violence.

Shari Kastein, the Executive Director of Sioux Center-based Family Crisis Centers tells us that one thing they point to is the extended “togetherness.” Kastein says back when Hurricaine Katrina hit, it was the same way.

(as said:) “It was actually 45 days later… after the waters receded that people started speaking out for help and you know, lots of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual abuse, and incestual activities. We are seeing that come out in this pandemic and we are working, you know, just diligently to get to all of the individuals that are seeking help. We have had on the Statewide crisis center line — the hotline that takes calls for all victims of violence — the past month has increased by 1400 calls. So we’re over 4,000 calls a month coming in.”

She says they are seeing about 125% of normal call volume and in northwest Iowa they’re helping around 115% of their normal slate of clients.

Kastein tells us they’re also doing something new — addressing housing.

(as said:) “We’re doing a special housing program that came out with the CARES money where we are able to assist people with rental assistance. We also are able to do rapid rehousing so we are… with the homelessness prevention funds… we’re able to prevent eviction and then also the rapid rehousing… if we do have a client that is looking to seek a relocation, then we’re able to get them turnkey ready and ready to go. So it’s been really pretty busy for us in that sense. Because is that program has taken off crazy. So I don’t mean to minimize the domestic violence or sexual assault. It’s people losing their jobs, losing their income, losing their homes. There’s all of those facets that are facing folks.”

She says it’s a “crazy time” right now.

(as said:) “So we keep saying those vaccinations just can’t come soon enough or quick enough because we have families right here… Rock Rapids, Sheldon, Sioux Center that are homeless. We have been getting calls from ATLAS programs that we have people living in a garage, we have people living in a camper, and you know, you think of that like, ‘oh, yeah that happens in Chicago or Des Moines.’ No that’s right here at home. And so we’re working diligently hard to get people in warm places, especially children.”

Kastein says two-thirds of their funding comes from grants, but they also need your donations. In fact, she says contributions are greatly needed at this time. You can give at, you can send checks to PO BOX 25, SIOUX CENTER, IA 51250.

She says if you or someone you know is the victim of an assault or other crime, at risk of such a thing, or if you just need to talk to someone about a bad situation, you can call 800-382-5603 anytime, day or night.



Larchwood Dairy Gets $100,000 Grant

Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has announced that 15 Iowa dairy projects have been awarded Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants. And

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