Heartbeat Bill Sent To Governor Reynolds

Statewide Iowa (Radio Iowa) — Republicans in the Iowa House and Senate have voted for what would be the country’s most restrictive anti-abortion policy if the governor signs it into law. After nine hours of debate, 51 Republicans in the House approved a bill that bans abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected, about the sixth week of a pregnancy.

Representative Shannon Lundgren, a Republican from Peosta, acknowledges the bill is designed to challenge Roe v Wade, the decision that legalized abortion.

Lundgren says the bill draws an important line. 

Twelve hours after Lundgren’s remarks, Republican Senator Rick Bertrand of Sioux City celebrated as Republicans in the Iowa Senate were poised to pass the same bill at about 2:20 Wednesday morning.

Democrats like Senator Joe Bolkcom of Iowa City predicted the state will waste millions in court defending a law that’s been overturned in several other states.

Senator Matt McCoy, a Democrat from Des Moines, called the bill “anti-woman.”

Representative Sandy Salmon, a Republican from Janesville, says the bill “thrusts Iowa to the right side of history” in challenging Roe v Wade.

4th District United States Representative Steve King has been pushing, thus far unsuccessfully, for a similar “heartbeat bill” at the federal level. King praised Iowa state legislators for passing the bill at the state level. Congressman King said, “With their votes, the Iowa legislature has heroically placed our state in the forefront of efforts to protect innocent, unborn life from the abortionists.”  He said “It was a deeply moral and principled vote, and it reflects our shared Iowa values by ensuring that if a heartbeat is detected, the baby must be protected. Gov. Reynolds is the most pro-life governor in Iowa’s history and I have confidence in her and I anticipate this bill will become law.”



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