Hoefert Weighs In On Straw Poll Demise

Statewide Iowa — Iowa Republican Party leaders met by phone Friday morning and decided to cancel the Iowa Straw Poll, which had been scheduled for August 8th in Boone. That after deciding unanimously to keep the Straw Poll in January. None of the party’s presidential hopefuls had agreed to attend.

Dr. Cody Hoefert
Dr. Cody Hoefert

We had a chance to talk with Iowa Republican Party Co-Chair, Dr. Cody Hoefert of Rock Rapids about the end of the Straw Poll.

We asked Dr. Hoefert, since the straw poll worked for many years — what had changed?

Some argue the Straw Poll would have narrowed the number of contestants down from more than a dozen, as candidates who’ve done poorly in previous Iowa Straw Polls have ended their campaigns. Anyone who bought a ticket to the August 8th event in Boone will get a refund.

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