Iowa Businesses Are Celebrated For Surviving The Pandemic

Statewide Iowa —  Monday marked the start of National Small Business Week as merchants and entrepreneurs all across Iowa are being credited for their resilience and staying power during the pandemic.

Jayne Armstrong, director of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Iowa District Office, says she and other SBA staffers will be visiting a long list of Iowa businesses.

In the interest of health and safety, this week’s in-person gatherings in Washington DC are being postponed for one more year, but they’re only as far away as your computer.

While some Iowa businesses were forced to close during the pandemic, others found ways to adapt, stay afloat and succeed, which she says is an accomplishment worth celebrating.

The SBA’s virtual summit is free and offers access to critical federal resources, new business strategies, and an opportunity to meet other business owners and chat with industry experts.



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