Iowa Tied For 3rd In 2020 Census Response Rate

Statewide Iowa — According to the latest figures from the US Census, Iowa is tied for third in the list of states with the highest Census 2020 response rate.

Iowa is tied with Nebraska and Michigan, with each state showing response rates of 68.4%. Minnesota has the highest response rate, with 71.8% of that state returning census information. Wisconsin is ranked number two, with a 69.1% response rate.

Of Iowa counties, Sioux County is ranked number one with a 74.9% response rate. Lyon County is number two at 74.6%, O’Brien County ranks number thirty-nine at 68.7%, and Osceola comes in at number forty-right, with a 67.9% census return rate.

As for return rate for Iowa cities, Balltown in eastern Iowa is number one with a 100% return rate. Orange City is in a three-way tie with Goose Lake, which is near Clinton, and Hudson, which is near Waterloo. Each of the communities rank number twenty-four, with an 80.6% return rate.

The U.S. Census Bureau urges you to complete your Census 2020 survey, if you haven’t already done so. You can even do it online, by CLICKING HERE.



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