It’s Insurance Open Enrollment Season

medical health caduceus_sxcNorthwest Iowa — Well, it’s that time of year again, the time when decisions must be made about our healthcare insurance coverage for next year.

We talked to Joel Gesink of the Gesink & Vander Wilt Agency in Sheldon, and he tells us that the Open Enrollment Period for Medicare Part D, that’s the prescription coverage, is now open.

Gesink says that for those covered with health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, that Open Enrollment Period begins this Tuesday, November 1st.

He says that those without coverage, or who want to change their coverage, should begin the process now.

Again, Open Enrollment For Medicare Part D runs through December 7th, and the Open Enrollment Period for regular health insurance under the ACA runs from November 1st through January 31st.

If you’re waiting on pins and needles to discover exactly how much more you’ll be paying for your ACA coverage next year, Gesink says this past Friday, October 28th, was the deadline by which the insurance companies were required to mail out those premium increase notices, so it should be hitting your mailbox any day now.



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