Kids Carnival To Celebrate Recovery

Seasons Center LogoSpencer, Iowa — With funding from the Iowa Department of Public Health, Division of Behavioral Health, Seasons Center for Behavioral Health will be joining State and national efforts in support of September – National Recovery Month. The theme for this year is, “Join the Voices for Recovery: Our Families, Our Stories, Our Recovery!” The purpose of Recovery Month is to increase awareness and understanding of mental and substance use issues and celebrate the people who recover.

To celebrate recovery, Seasons Center will hold a free kid’s carnival for families from throughout the area, on Thursday afternoon, September 29th.  Seasons Center Marketing and Events Coordinator, Katie Ping, tells us about the event.

Ping says the carnival will feature a variety of attractions.

She says that, although the event is being billed as a kids carnival, it’s actually for the entire family.

Seasons Center Executive Director Kim Scorza says the organization is appreciative to the IDPH for the grant funding that allows Seasons Center to join efforts across the state and the nation to promote recovery.

For more information on this event, Seasons’ services, and Autumn’s Center visit their website at:, or visit them on Facebook.

