Little Rock EMS Donates Ambulance Body To NCC

Little Rock, Iowa — The Little Rock EMS Squad has a new ambulance. And they are donating their old unit so that future northwest Iowa EMTs can use it for training purposes.

According to Little Rock Fire Chief Joe Schilling, their emergency responders want to send out a big thank you to the Lyon County Riverboat Foundation and the community for their contributions that made the purchase of their 2022 Ford Ambulance possible.

He says Little Rock EMS has been saving money from donations from the community for several years to purchase a new ambulance when the time was needed. And he says that with the help of a grant from the Riverboat Foundation, they were able to purchase one this year.

According to Schilling, even though their old ambulance had very low miles, it was, “starting to need some major repair that would get costly.”

He says that Little Rock EMS is donating the box of the old ambulance to Northwest Iowa Community College to be used in the training of EMT students.



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