Love INC Seeks Men To Mentor RTF Residents

love incSheldon, Iowa — Love INC, or Love In The Name Of Christ, of Greater Sheldon, is looking for more volunteers to assist with their ministry assisting residents of the Sheldon Regional Treatment Facility with successfully transitioning back into the community at the end of their sentences.

The program began about two years ago, according to Erin Brown of Love INC.  She says they’ve discovered that many of the RTF residents need some help with that transition.

She says that many of the RTF residents find it a challenge to move into an environment with less structure than that to which they’ve become accustomed.

Brown says a recent increase in requests by RTF residents wanting to be included in the mentoring ministry, has brought the need for additional mentors to the forefront.

She says a four member mentor team is assigned to each RTF resident who requests to be included in the program.

Brown says that qualifications for those seeking to volunteer as a mentor begin with a spirit of service.

She says that becoming a mentor starts with an application process.

To volunteer for the mentoring program, or for more information, you’re asked to call Erin Brown at Love INC of Greater Sheldon at 712-324-9707

