Lyon County Sheriff’s Office Now Has Facebook Page

Rock Rapids, Iowa — The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office has joined the ranks of area sheriff’s offices on Facebook.
Lyon Sheriff Facebook Header
Lyon County Sheriff Stewart VanderStoep says he was pleased to make the announcement recently. He says the Facebook page will make it much easier for the public to get information from the Sheriff’s Office.

Sheriff’s officials say they will strive to make the page as useful and as helpful as possible. They also say they will be working to make the page very user friendly; with features to come such as a submit-a-tip tab which will allow users to submit an anonymous tip without having to call in.

You can find the page by searching for it on Facebook, but be aware — there are many Lyon Counties in the United States, including counties in Nevada, Kansas, and Minnesota to name a few.

Or you can just click here for a direct link.

Lyon County is the third of the four northwest Iowa counties sheriff’s offices to have a Facebook presence. Now the only one without a Facebook page is the O’Brien County Sheriff’s Office.



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