Man Pleads Not Guilty In 2006 Case

Orange City, Iowa — A man who once lived in Maurice and had evaded capture for nearly nine years pled not guilty on Monday, August 24th, 2015 in regard to a 2006 stabbing.
Sioux County Courthouse front_sva

According to court documents, now-37-year-old Roberto Martinez-Marcial, also known as Carlos Osuna is accused of assaulting a man who was with Martinez-Marcial’s ex-girlfriend in a home in Sioux Center in December of 2006.

But until recently Martinez-Marcial has evaded law enforcement by living under assumed names and false identification. Authorities finally apprehended him in July of this year in Wichita, Kansas.

According to the Sioux County Attorney’s Office, the complaints originally filed in 2007 charged Martinez-Marcial with Attempted Murder and Burglary in the 1st Degree. When Martinez-Marcial was arrested on the outstanding warrant in July, Sioux County Attorney Thomas Kunstle reviewed the case and found Willful Injury Resulting in Serious Injury to be a more accurate charge than Attempted Murder. So that charge was changed.  Martinez-Marcial is also charged with Burglary in the First Degree and an additional charge of Going Armed with Intent.

According to court records, no trial date has yet been set.

