Mastbergen Rocktober Diamond Ring Winner Drawn

Sheldon, Iowa — Throughout the month of October…or should I say, “ROCKtober,” Mastebergen Jewelry in Sheldon and KIWA Radio teamed up to bring you the great “Rocktober Song of the Day” contest.

Each Monday through Friday throughout the month of October, we featured the “Rocktober Song of the Day.”  When listeners heard us play that song, they entered the contest by sending a text to the KIWA text line.

There were 22 finalists, one for each day, who got their names into the hat, then Wednesday morning, we drew the Grand Prize winner.

The drawing took place at 10:00 Wednesday morning from Mastbergen Jewelry, and was broadcast live on KIWA-FM and on KIWA’s Facebook page. Deb from Mastbergen’s drew the Grand Prize winner’s name, with the 1-carat, $4,000 diamond ring going to Kevin Roos.

We called an excited Kevin Roos to officially let him know that he was the winner.

Roos expressed his thanks to Mastbergen Jewelry and KIWA, and said he thinks the gift of this beautiful diamond ring will “get him out of the doghouse” with his wife.

Congratulations to Kevin Roos, and to all those who took part in the Mastbergen Jewelry/KIWA Rocktober Song of the Day contest.


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